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Eco-responsible shopping:
The environmental benefits of supporting Belgian (e-)retailers

Photo-blog-Eco-responsible shopping: <br>The environmental benefits of supporting Belgian (e-)retailers

Friday 23 august 2024

As environmental awareness grows, more and more consumers are looking to align their consumption habits with their environmental values. The concept of eco-responsible shopping, which integrates practices aimed at minimizing the ecological impact, is becoming increasingly important. In this context, supporting Belgian e-shops appears not only as a patriotic economic act, but also as a significant ecological choice. This article explores the environmental benefits of supporting local retailers and online sales platforms.

Reducing CO2 emissions: The proximity factor

One of the main environmental benefits of supporting Belgian (e-)retailers lies in the reduction of CO2 emissions. By favoring local platforms and local businesses, products travel a significantly shorter distance to reach consumers (and vice versa). According to several studies, transport is responsible for 25% of CO2 emissions in Europe, a significant share coming from the transport of goods. By choosing Belgian shops and webshops, consumers contribute to reducing these emissions, because journeys are shorter and require fewer energy resources. In addition, several Belgian companies are switching to greener delivery methods, such as cargo bikes or electric vehicles, thus reinforcing the positive impact on the environment.


Supporting a local circular economy: Less waste, more sustainability

Supporting Belgian businesses and e-commerce goes hand in hand with promoting the circular economy. Many stores, whether online or not, promote products made in Belgium or Europe, sometimes with recycled materials, often from sustainable sources. This practice reduces dependence on mass imports, often associated with disposable or low-durability products, manufactured in questionable ecological conditions. By favoring short circuits, Belgian businesses encourage more responsible production and more efficient resource management. According to Eurostat, Belgium is one of the most advanced European countries in terms of waste recycling. By supporting these local players, consumers actively participate in reducing waste and promoting sustainability.


Commitment to more conscious and transparent consumption

Another key advantage of supporting Belgian retailers is the transparency and ethics of local businesses. Unlike large international platforms, Belgian online and offline stores are often more transparent about the origin of their products, the working conditions of their suppliers, and their ecological footprint. This transparency allows consumers to make more informed choices, thus promoting more responsible consumption. In addition, many Belgian companies are actively engaged in environmental initiatives, such as reducing plastic packaging or offsetting carbon emissions. This trend is supported by a study, which reveals that 70% of Belgian consumers consider corporate transparency to be a crucial criterion in their purchasing decisions.



Supporting Belgian e-shops goes far beyond a simple act of economic patriotism. This is a concrete gesture in favour of the environment, which helps reduce CO2 emissions, promotes a circular economy and encourages more ethical and responsible consumption. By choosing to consume locally, Belgians can play a significant role in the fight against climate change, while supporting a dynamic and sustainable local economy.


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