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Meeting with Customefy

Photo-blog-Meeting with Customefy

Sunday 15 january 2023

Interview with Théodora, the designer of Customefy

Hello Theodora! Can you tell us a little about Customefy and what inspired it to come to life?
Theodora: Hello! Customefy was born from my passion for offering happiness through personalized gifts. I am a civil engineer by training, but I felt the need to manage my projects and give free rein to my creativity.
Personalizing gifts allows us to express how special and dear a person is to our hearts.

It's a great mission! How do you see the evolution of Customefy today?
Théodora: Customefy grows thanks to our satisfied customers and positive word of mouth. Receiving messages filled with gratitude is my greatest satisfaction.
Our goal is to create gifts that light up the eyes with happiness, both for the giver and the receiver.

It's wonderful to bring so much joy! How do you see the future of Customefy?
Théodora: We will continue to create together, to be accomplices in beautiful surprises and moments of shared happiness. If you have original ideas, do not hesitate to contact us. Our mission is to light little sparks in the eyes with our personalized gifts.

Thank you Theodora! It was a pleasure chatting with you and learning the story behind Customefy.

Théodora: Thank you! Hope to meet you.


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