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A/B testing in 5 steps

Photo-blog-A/B testing in 5 steps

Friday 30 june 2023

Online store optimization improves your visitor numbers and conversion rates. You can read tips and explanations about this in several of our blogs.

But tests and measurements are often forgotten.

If you know the 5 basic rules of optimization, skip ahead to A/B testing in this article, otherwise we'll be happy to repeat them below

1) Responsive design: Optimize your online store for different devices, such as desktop, tablet, and smartphone.

2) Fast Loading Time: Optimize the loading speed of your online store. Compress images, minify CSS and JavaScript files, and use caching techniques.

3) Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Keep your online store in the top search engine results. Use relevant keywords in your product descriptions, meta tags and URLs. Also use good internal link structure and generate high-quality external links to your online store.

4) Usability: Make your interface intuitive and easy to navigate. Clear product categories and filters, simple checkout processes and various payment options contribute to a good user experience.

5) Social Media: Promote your online store with social media. Share interesting content, promotions and customer reviews on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

And then we must continue to test, analyze and measure! Web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, will give you more information on visitor numbers and conversion rates, bounce rate, and average order value. If you want more advice on this, read our blog on web analytics tools and how they work.

A/B testing in 5 steps

A/B testing involves testing two or more variations of an element on a webpage or entire page to determine which variation generates the best traffic and conversion. This is how you make data-driven decisions and adjustments. Online store marketing is a science, not a trick.

1) What element do you want to test? For example, the color of a button, the text of a call to action, the layout of a page, the images of a product page or even the entire page.

2) Create variations of the item you want to test. Each variation contains only one specific change, so you can determine which specific change gives the best result.

3) Send an even distribution of your web traffic to each variation. Use an A/B testing tool such as Google Optimize or Optimizely, which randomly divides visitors between different variations.

4) Compare stats for each variation based on conversion rates, clicks, bounce rate, average order value, or any other goals you set.

5) Draw a conclusion based on the data. With the information collected, you can now determine which variation works best for your goal. Note the statistical significance to ensure that the observed differences are not due to chance.

A/B testing is an ongoing process. Continue testing and optimizing to continuously improve your online store's performance and provide the best user experience.

NB! A/B testing takes time and you need enough visitors to get reliable results. Also define your goal in advance, one variant may generate more visitors, but the other ensures more conversion within your target group. So it depends on what you're aiming for at the time.


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