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Negative customer reviews can become your best promotion!

Photo-blog-Negative customer reviews can become your best promotion!

Wednesday 7 june 2023

Negative reviews are inevitable, even for the best businesses and online stores. However, how you respond to that criticism can make a real difference.

Negative criticism provokes emotions, including yourself! However, always remain calm and professional when formulating your response. Avoid defensive or offensive responses and remain respectful to the customer.

Responding late is often decisive. The message may take on a 'life of its own', other visitors may have commented on it. Respond preferably within 24 hours. This shows that you take feedback seriously and care about customer satisfaction.

'Disarm' negativity by showing lots of empathy. Letting a customer know that you understand and regret their disappointment does not automatically mean you agree with them. By acknowledging the criticism, the client will already let go of a lot of defensive emotions.

Reply publicly first, then take the discussion offline. Provide direct contact information and ask the customer to contact you so you can discuss the issue in a more personal setting and find a solution. Filling out a complaint form or referring it to other “departments” often works the other way.

Always approach constructively, proactively propose a possible suitable solution. This way, you divert the discussion from the problem to possible solutions. Be prepared to correct any errors or accommodate the customer.

Negative reviews can provide valuable information! Try to recognize patterns or trends in comments and use this information to optimize your processes and services.

In exceptional cases, it is better NOT to respond.
If the review is spam, offensive, or inappropriate, you may choose not to respond to it. Use your own judgment to determine which reviews deserve a response and which should be ignored.

It may sound cliché, but a negative customer review is an opportunity to improve your customer service and reputation. Professional and thoughtful responses to complaints or issues restore and increase customer trust.

Stay cool and much success!


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