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Increase conversions with your home page!

Photo-blog-Increase conversions with your home page!

Tuesday 23 january 2024

The home page is generally the front door to your e-commerce site. With a few exceptions, where the visitor arrives on a Blog page or a product page, it is the home page, hence its name, which welcomes visitors.
It is therefore essential that it is perfect, perfect, pampered, updated, of good quality, in short, that it makes the visitor want to enter and discover your world.
It's not always easy to know how to compose your home page. Let yourself be guided, in this article we give you the tips and tricks to implement to improve your home page, attract visitors and ultimately increase your sales!

1. The waterline

First of all, it is important to understand the concept of the waterline. The 'fold' refers to the visible part of a web page without the need to scroll down.
This part is crucial because it greatly influences visitors' purchasing decisions. Indeed, the goal is to motivate the visitor to scroll through your page, click on the call to action buttons and dive into your world to quickly find what they are looking for.

2. The logo

It is important that your logo is recognizable and clear. The logo should also be clickable so as to redirect the visitor to the home page when browsing the site. This tip will allow for better navigation, which will help increase the conversion of your online store.

3. The Navigation Menu

Some e-commerce sites choose to work with several menus: The main menu, a secondary menu and a footer menu. The key is to have a main menu that allows the visitor to have an overview of what they can find on your site.
The main navigation menu should be clear with product categories for easy searching. It can also include additional pages and different sections, such as “BLOG”, “CONTACT”, “ABOUT”, “PROMOS”.

4. Description of the offer

In the teaser text of your online store, the visitor must know directly what you sell and what they will find on your site. It is therefore essential to take the time to write and clearly define the description of the offer you are offering.
We speak of an 'added value proposition'. A value proposition is a SIMPLE, single, clear and short sentence that summarizes the reasons why a customer would choose your product.

The value proposition is built around three axes:
- the offer itself and its attributes
- the consumer and the benefits he expects
- differentiation from competing offers.
This value proposition must be the first thing the visitor reads when arriving at your e-shop. It is generally illustrated by an attractive, good quality visual, such as a lifestyle photo or a high-resolution product image related to your brand to attract attention.


The call-to-action button must be clear and encouraging. Either you offer the visitor the opportunity to enter your world via an “E-SHOP” or “PROMOTIONS” button, or you display the best sellers on your home page and add the “Add to Cart” buttons. Generally speaking, it is up to you to guide the visitor to what they are looking for, via the shortest possible path.

6. Delivery costs & deadlines

One of the first things your visitor wants to know when arriving on your site is the delivery costs (if delivery is offered above a certain amount) as well as the delivery times. The consumer is in fact more and more in a hurry and his purchase will depend, in part, on the time taken to receive his order. In addition, if he sees that delivery is free above a certain amount, this will motivate him to fill his basket accordingly, and your average basket will therefore be increased.
If you cannot guarantee short deadlines, do not hesitate to mention the actual deadlines. The key is to communicate clearly. If the visitor knows in advance that he will have to wait a week, because it is a personalized creation or a re-stocking, he organizes himself accordingly. Communication with the customer and “customer experience” remains your #1 asset to stand out from the competition.

7. Contact

The visitor who has a question concerning his basket or his order wishes to receive a quick answer. To increase the conversion of your online store, it is therefore essential to display at least one telephone number. Easy and quick, the telephone number aims to show the customer that you are fully available and willing to answer their questions and guide them through their purchasing journey. Telephone contact indirectly implies proximity and therefore a link with your visitor, which will also increase the visitor's trust in your online store. If you do not want to display a telephone number, you can display a May address, a Wazap Business number, a direct chat, the whole point is to offer rapid support.

8. Search bar

A visible search bar helps users quickly find the products they are looking for. The search bar makes more sense if you offer a wide assortment of different products and brands, than if you have an online store that offers a niche brand of a specific product.

9. Promotions & Special Offers

When you offer promotions, sales or special offers, highlight them. Whether via the main visual, via your navigation menu, via a banner or a 'call-to-action' button, this will encourage purchases.

By making all this information available to the visitor before they even need to go further, they will have the answers to their questions, they will be reassured about the professionalism of the site they are visiting and will have the confidence to enter the site. universe of your brand.
Here is the additional information that is necessary to add to the home page of your e-shop, even if it means having to scroll down the page to get there. This information will aim to make your page complete and detailed for the visitor who wishes to take the time to discover your world.

10. Best Sellers

By displaying featured products and best sellers, you are already directing the visitor to what they are potentially looking for. You attract the visitor's attention knowing that they will more than likely be attracted to these 'highlighted' products that have already attracted previous customers.

11. Customer reviews & testimonials

This is what we call ‘social proof': Social proof is a psychological concept according to which the choices of some people influence the choices of others. By displaying the positive reviews and comments received from your customers on your e-shop, the visitor will feel confident and will also want to be one of these satisfied customers. The visitor is inclined to buy a product already purchased by others, because he is reassured.
Customer reviews can be displayed through star ratings, reviews, or customer testimonials, all to build the visitor's trust in your brand and its credibility.

12. Security & trust elements

Another element of confidence to reassure the visitor is to display security badges, for the security of their transactions. It is also interesting to display badges that prove certification to certain standards, such as “ORGANIC”, “CERTIFIED ARTISAN” etc.

13. Links to social networks

Nowadays, it is essential to promote your online store on social networks. Do not hesitate to put the link and icons of your networks on your home page to encourage connectivity. Visitors appreciate being able to immerse themselves in your world, discover the new products and the evolution of your brand 'day by day' on the networks. Conversely, check that your social networks redirect to your online store.

The goal of the homepage is to create a positive first impression, a positive user experience as soon as they arrive on the page. This is to give visitors a clear idea of what your online store offers and encourage them to explore further. In this way, you encourage visitors to explore more, you increase the conversion of visitors to your site and therefore your sales!


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