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Email marketing in 5 points

Photo-blog-Email marketing in 5 points

Tuesday 9 may 2023

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools in current marketing strategies. And yet, it is too often left aside for various reasons.
Starting today, start collecting your customers' email addresses to build a qualitative mailing list to increase your sales.

1) What is it

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy which consists of sending promotional or commercial emails to a group of people or subscribers who have chosen to receive such emails from a company, organization or organization. 'a particular person. The main goal of email marketing is to build relationships with customers, promote brand awareness, and increase sales or conversions to the website.

Email marketing campaigns can be personalized, targeted and automated to meet the needs of specific customer segments. Marketers use professional marketing software and tools to manage and track email marketing campaigns, create email templates, segment lists, and analyze campaign performance.

Email marketing has the potential to generate high ROI for businesses, making it a popular marketing channel. However, it is important to follow best practices and regulations to avoid spamming and ensure compliance with laws such as GDPR.

2) How to collect email addresses

There are several ways to collect email addresses for a mailing list:

a) Website Registration: Add a registration form or popup to your website to allow visitors to sign up for your mailing list. Offer an incentive or lead magnet such as a free freebie, discount, or exclusive content to encourage signups.

b) Social Media: Use social media platforms to promote your email list and encourage people who follow you to sign up on your website. Offer exclusive content or promotions to encourage signups.

c) Events and trade shows: Collect email addresses at events and trade shows by asking attendees to fill out a registration form or drop off a business card in a collection box.

d) In-store registrations: Collect email addresses in your physical store by asking customers to fill out a registration form or enter a contest or sweepstakes that requires an email address.

e) Referral Programs: Encourage current subscribers to recommend your email list to others and offer an incentive or reward for each referral.

f) Online contests and giveaways: Run an online contest or giveaway for which participants must provide their email address.

It is important to ensure that everyone on your mailing list has given their consent to receive marketing emails from you. Use a double opt-in process to confirm that subscribers have given explicit consent to receive your emails. Additionally, it is important to follow email marketing best practices to avoid spamming and comply with laws such as GDPR.

3) Typical emails

a) Welcome email: When registering, subscribers receive a welcome email, with the main points of the project, a small promotional code or other surprise to encourage them to place a first order on the site.

b) Information email: how the company works, what are its values, its mission, its history, its new features, its projects.

c) Promotional email: Highlight current promotions or sales, free 2+1 offers, by offering a voucher that can be directly deducted from the next online order.

d) Events: whether in-person events (opening of a place of sale, a pop-up store) or an online event, the email brings together practical information, such as dates, location, etc. . These emails can also be sent in the form of a countdown before the big day. An original way to send invitations and remind people of the event a few days before it takes place.

e) New products: Whether for new products or updating existing products, subscribers are always delighted to be kept informed and it is also a way of reminding them of our good memories.

4) How to motivate interaction

One of the main goals of email marketing is to create engagement by subscribers. Here are some tips:

- A catchy title to motivate the opening of the email

- A professional photo at the top of the email to dive directly into the world of the brand

- Use the visual identity of the brand so that it is directly identifiable

- Add clickable call-to-action (CTA) buttons that redirect to the site or blog

- Add clickable buttons and CTAs to promotional products and current offers

- Add a link so that the subscriber can update their data (date of birth, interests, lifestyle, family composition)

- Add a link to the review collection tool so that the subscriber can give their feedback

5) How to optimize your email marketing strategy?

Several key parameters must be taken into account when managing email marketing campaigns:

a) Audience Segmentation: Segment your email list based on demographics, interests, behavior, and other relevant factors to personalize your messages and improve engagement.

b) Content relevance: Create relevant and useful content that matches the interests and needs of your subscribers. Use a clear and concise subject line and preview text to encourage recipients to open your emails.

c) Email design and formatting: Use a responsive email design that is optimized for different devices and email clients. Keep the formatting of your emails consistent, use images strategically, and include a clear call to action (CTA) that encourages recipients to take action.

d) Frequency and Timing: Determine the optimal frequency and timing for your emails based on your audience's preferences and behavior. Avoid sending too many emails, which can lead to unsubscribes and spam complaints, or too few emails, which can reduce engagement.

e) List Quality: Regularly clean and maintain your email list to remove inactive or unengaged subscribers, correct invalid or obsolete email addresses, and comply with anti-spam laws.

f) Metrics Tracking and Analysis: Track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates to measure the performance of your email campaigns. Use this data to analyze and optimize your campaigns for better results.

g) Compliance: Follow best practices and regulations to avoid spamming and ensure compliance with laws such as GDPR. Provide clear opt-in and opt-out options, provide your business contact information, and promptly honor unsubscribe requests.


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