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How to ask for feedback from your customers and why is it important?

Photo-blog-How to ask for feedback from your customers and why is it important?

Monday 9 january 2023

Asking for feedback and testimonials from customers online can be an effective way to improve your business and build credibility with potential customers. What we currently call social proof.
Here are some tips for asking for feedback and testimonials:

Make it easy: Make it as easy as possible for customers to provide feedback and testimonials. Provide clear instructions and a simple process for submitting feedback, such as through a form or email.

Timing: Ask for feedback and testimonials at the right time, such as after a purchase or when the customer has had a positive experience with your business. This increases the likelihood that he will agree to give you feedback and that the feedback will be positive.

Personalize your request: Personalize your request for comments and testimonials. Address the customer by name and explain why their feedback is important to you and your business.

Be specific: Ask specific questions or provide guidance to help the customer formulate their feedback. This can help him provide more detailed and useful feedback.

Incentives: Consider offering an incentive for reviews or testimonials, such as a discount on a future purchase or gift. This can further motivate customers to provide feedback.

Follow-up: Follow up with customers who provided feedback or testimonials to thank them for their input and address any concerns or questions they may have raised.
Vary the media: Requests for testimonials can be made by email, via a QR code on a flyer, via your social networks, always redirecting to a direct link for taking testimonials

By following these tips, you can effectively ask your customers for reviews and testimonials online, which can help improve your business and build trust with your potential customers.


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